Be Like Water

"Water babbles to the stone, but the stone does not reply."
Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

January 24

I am the water, babbling. You are the stone-- impassive, maybe listening, maybe not.

That Zen enough for you?

I am not Zen. Those who follow the way of Zen live in the Moment. I do not even live in the Moment's building. The Moment lives in another part of town.

Anyway. I feel increasingly that there are not enough hours in the day. Here are the things I try to do, every day: Write. Exercise. Socialize. T.C.B. (errands, bills, whatever accumulates). Correspond with my beloved correspondents. Personally groom. Talk to Meg (who is something more than a beloved correspondent, y'know). Update Tropism.

On weekends, I have enough time to do these things. When I sacrifice 9 hours of my day to work, though, it's difficult. Exercise goes first, then T.C.B., then socializing. Sometimes there are no opportunities for socializing. Some days I feel the need to allocate more time to one of these particular things. I haven't exercised properly in a couple of weeks. My writing has been spotty (the Masochism Dare will help with that).

I need two more hours every day. That's all I ask. Anyone care to donate their unused hours, or any portions thereof?

This is a modern problem, the lament of the First World: I Need More Time!

Hunter-gatherers had lots of free time.

They didn't have internet connections or movies or books, though, so I wouldn't trade, I s'pose.

Ah. Strong coffee makes things better.

I'm all eager to do work now! "Work" in this context does include Tropism, and also includes correspondence and writing... "Work" is not necessarily a bad word in my world. When in the mood to do work, I'm not in the mood to sit on my butt watching Friends re-runs, but instead want to be productive.

I'm bitching, I guess, because I don't have much to say. Day-Job was fine. Had dinner with Scott tonight. Talked to sweet Meg about the travails of her internship in the wilds of the Appalachians. Started reading Patrick's wonderful journal Iteration, devouring the archives (from back when it was Inside). Diddled online looking at html stuff, because my knowledge is so limited. Started laundry. I'm reading Greg Benford's story "Immersion"; it's very good. Haven't done any fiction writing yet tonight, but the music on my stereo and the coffee in my cup are conspiring to make me do so.

Yeah. That's all.



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