Quantum Voodoo Love Story
February 23
"Quantum Voodoo Love Story" is the phrase an editor used to describe a story of mine that he rejected-- it's actually a very good description. It's a great phrase-- maybe that's what I'll call my memoirs, hmm?
So, rejections. Three bounces from the Harker House antho-- so much for my hopefulness. It didn't appear to be a form letter, at least (oh, meager grasping for positivity!), and he encouraged me to send more for future volumes. Bleah. I will, of course. But bleah anyway.
I got some fan mail yesterday, which was nice. I like hearing from people who like my stories, and I like being able to thank them. Though I can see how it'd be nice to have so many fans that I didn't have time to answer all of them individually...
Worked a bit on "Romanticore" tonight. It's godawful long. I really need to write a novel-- put this verbosity to some kind of reasonable use. But, as I mentioned yesterday, I have lots of other stuff that needs doing, too. I've promised myself I won't plunge into another novel until I get Genius in the mail. Work work work! It's good. It's better than having nothing to do, at least.
I joined up with all the other hit sluts at Clix a couple of days ago, curious to see what kind of ranking Tropism would get with absolutely no fanfare, and only a tiny clix banner buried at the bottom of my main journal page.
Well, nobody went from here to Clix (except me, once, to get the ball rolling), but a few people came from Clix to here, which is nice, neh? I was ranked 90 or something when I checked today, which I suppose isn't bad. I dunno. I'm just trying to lure more people into my wordy clutches. I want to join Open Pages soon, too... wish I had the guts to try to join the Always or Often rings, but this Really Frequent Updating is still a relatively new thing for me, and I know that as soon as I start counting on updating daily, something will happen to make that impossible. So I'll be content.
Marissa is visiting me tomorrow, and possibly Timprov, so there should be Work and Merriment ahead. Good night, all.
If you're so inclined, send me mail.
Total Word Count: 40,682
Today's Word Count: 2,076
The Daring Darlings:
Jim C. Hines
Hilary Moon Murphy
Nicole Montgomery
Melanie Miller Fletcher
Karina Summer Smith
Anne Hutchins