
February 25

Today fairly blazed by at work. I worked on laying out the upcoming issue, and did data entry, and before I knew it, 4:30 had come and gone, and I was on my way out the door, la. I raced up to Berkeley to get to the Post Office before 6:00, since I supposedly have something too large for the box -- but apparently, staring about three weeks ago, that Post Office has started closing at 5:00. Grr. Don't know when I'll be able to get there before closing time...

I met Heather in Berkeley, and managed to convince her not to work out (I'm a bad, bad influence); I just didn't feel up to exercising. So I had a chai, and she had a steamer, and we chatted... then bought necessities and junk food at the drug store, and BARTed home. I made dinner, and we snuggled and watched TV until about 9:30. Then I retreated upstairs and wrote 2 reviews, of Edo Van Belkom's Martyrs and John Shirley's ...And the Angel with Television Eyes (the latter is my favorite of all the books I've reviewed so far).

I'm still behind on things I want to do... I have three people to write to regarding stories sent to me for critiques. I have good comments on all three, I think; I hope they're worth waiting such a long time for!

I'm reading Tiptree's Brightness Falls From the Air, which is quite good. I haven't read much Tiptree at all; it's one of the gaps I'm trying to fill in my knowledge of SF.

Let's see. I updated my Bibliography and Links pages... that's wild fun, huh? I feel I should direct you toward something interesting, at least, since there's not much going on here... I know, have you read The Spook? It's actually a really cool 'zine. Good article by Emma Straub in the current issue about the ol' genre ghetto. And of course there's a new ish of Strange Horizons, always a treat.

Um. I think I'm going to bed early tonight. For the getting of the sleep.



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February Solitary Short-Story Dare (now with bonus poetry & reviews!)

Total words written: 20,700

Words written today: 1,400 (mostly reviews, a smidge of fiction)

Stories written this month: "Henchman Blues"
"On the Underworld Line"
"Melancholy Shore"
"In the Seventh Circle"

Poems written this month: "Dreaming Apep"
"Poor Bahumut"
"Laughing Blood"
"Future History"

Reviews written this month:
...And the Angel with Television Eyes by John Shirley
Martyrs by Edo Van Belkom

Books to review! Poetry books! Chapbooks! C'mon!

Tim Pratt
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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