Terrible Two

April 21

I wanted to post an entry last night, but I never got around to it; had too much fun, instead. But all I wanted to say was "Happy Birthday, Tropism!" Because yesterday, this journal turned two years old.

So now we're in the terrible twos. Grr. Be afraid.

I had a mostly fun and mildly workish weekend. Saturday I slept in, and read a bit, and went out to an amazingly delicious breakfast at Mama's, and went to Dark Carnival to buy a couple of things. I got the first volume of Top Ten by Alan Moore, and Dark Terrors 5 (mmm... $14 well spent) and Kim Newman's The Night Mayor, which I've wanted to read forever. And they had it in paperback for the cover price ($3.95!). So I'm a cheerful boy. I read Top Ten in the afternoon. Last night sweet Heather and the lovely Susan Marie and I watched Le Placard, which was good and cute, and we talked talked talked, which was very nice, as I haven't had the chance to chat with Susan in too long. (And we both work for Hugo-nominated magazines (though it's worth noting that Susan actually contributed some excellent work that helped make her magazine get nominated; the magazine I work for would have been nominated even if I'd never heard of it, it's like one of Newton's laws); how badass was my living room last night? Not to mention Heather's double-poetry-sale-week, of which more in a moment). A goodish night indeed.

This morning there was more sleeping in, and me working, la. I finished correcting the proofs for "The Witch's Bicycle" and sent off my changes, and wrote a review of Slain in the Spirit. I also read The Tempest, because I want to review Devereaux's Caliban, which rings changes on The Tempest; and while I have read the play before, it's been a while. It's funnier than I remembered. Heather got e-mail from Erin Donahoe this morning, accepting her poem "Twelve Dancing Princesses" for The Modern Art Cave antho; so Heather and I will share a table of contents! Hurrah!

We got sandwiches and watched Go this afternoon, and tonight we did laundry and watched television and frolicked, and ate juice pops and apple newtons and white-chocolate-macadamia-nut cookies. I answered some e-mail. And that brings you up to date.



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Words written since February 1, 2002: 54,350

Words written since last entry: 600

Send me the idol of your mighty monkey god.

Tim Pratt
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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