In Which I Do Not Go A'Maying
May 1
12:30 p.m.
This morning I had to run car-related errands, which is never fun. I got to work around ten, and had lots of frantic e-mail from my bosses. It's hit them that I'm leaving on Friday and not coming back for a month, so they're giving me piles of stuff to do. Which is fine, as it will make the days go quickly this week. Tonight I'm going to type my synopsis, and type the handwritten corrections to my manuscript. I think I'll be able to get the book in the mail before I leave on Wednesday-- should be do-able.
I talked to Meg for a long time on the phone last night. Things are still bumpy between us, and I don't know what's going to happen... but I know I love her very much. It was a good talk, even if it was scary. But I'm scared anyway, so at least we got to be scared together, about the same stuff. We're looking at our future together, and beginning to wonder if we want the same things. Scary, but important-- we need to figure this stuff out. We should have plenty of opportunities to talk in North Carolina next month. I hope we can work some of this out then, face-to-face.
I was a bit wrung-out after that talk last night, so I didn't get much done. A little work on Speculon stuff, reading a bit of the Trickster book, marking some minor things off my to-do list. I went to bed early, before midnight (and as a consequence I woke at 6:30 this morning).
Well, off to do more work.
9:30 p.m.
Bah. Car stuff is more complicated than I'd hoped, so it's in the shop over night. I had to catch a ride with a co-worker to get home, and tomorrow I have to take the bus to work. Ah, well. I should take the bus more often anyway. Be nice to mama gaia.
I had lots and lots of conversations tonight. Talked to Meg, of course. And to Blah, for a good long while, which was nice, though her life is upheaved. I should get to see her some this month-- she's going to Amily's wedding. And I talked to Amily, too, though only for a few moments, chatting online. Then I had beer and really good talk with D. at Pergolesi. And now I'm finally finishing and posting this. Whee! I think I'm going to write another entry tonight-- I have some stuff I'd like to ramble about-- but in case I don't get the urge, I'll go ahead and post this.
If you're so inclined, send me mail.