
May 8

Technically it's May 9th, since it's 1:15 a.m. But we can dispense with technicalities, I think, among ourselves.

I'm all packed. This is a recent phenomenon-- I just got done. Scott is going to drive me to the airport tomorrow. We need to get on the road around 6 a.m. Normally it's only a 40 minute drive to the airport, but we'll have commuter traffic to slog through. Bleah. Ah, well. I can sleep on the plane, I suppose.

So yesterday and today were fabulous. Yesterday I visited Karen and ate Chinese food and strolled around in the sunshine with a (properly shaded) Jeremiah in the stroller. Today I visited Marissa and Timprov, and then we and Mark and Heather went to the Long Life Noodle restaurant in Berkeley. I had garlicky noodles. Yum.

There was lots of other general and specific fun, but I'm far too sleepy to get into any of it.

This is really just a farewell entry. I may be able to update as soon as Thursday, but I'm not sure. I have good stuff I want to write, good books to read (borrowed from a number of sources!), good people to see. Good good good.

Okay. Sleep now. Bye.



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