Building Citadels of Dust
August 13, again
Just a brief one, tonight-- it's nearly bedtime.
I got a rejection from Ellen Datlow at SciFiction today, and a form rejection from Brutarian; at least they're fast. I'm turning both stories right back around-- one went out this afternoon as an e-sub, the other goes out tomorrow.
I got a strong "maybe" from a literary magazine for one of my stories. The assistant editor loves it, and has recommended it to the editor, but it could still be turned down. This particular story has been a bridesmaid twice already, though, so I'm not getting my hopes up-- it seems to be the perennial "close, but not quite" tale.
Work was lovely and fine and varied. I'm learning cool things. And the view on the way home... oh, it's the bay, and both bridges, and the City... I get a serious case of the happies every time I drive home.
I unpacked some books tonight and got them shelved, and also wrote my section of mine and Heather's collaboration; I think it's going to be a really funny story. Heather's going to write a fun scene tomorrow, and then I get to write the last scene (probably also tomorrow), and then we'll be done, hurrah.
I finished Starlight 2, and now I'm reading Denton's Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede.
Around 10:30 Heather and I went to Gaylord's café up on Piedmont (they're open until midnight, yay!). I had vanilla chai, she had hot chocolate. I outlined Rangergirl (mmm, so yummy, such a cool book), she read chapters of Genius of Deceit. Very companionable and writerly and nice.
The tentative plan is that I'm writing a guest entry in Heather's journal tomorrow-- stay tuned for that, and more, wacky fun!
If you're so inclined, send me mail.