Chinese Fire Drill
Setember 6
8:30 a.m.
Good morning, lovelies. I'm up early for the express purpose of writing an entry for you. Aren't I good to you? I wasn't in the mood to write an entry last night-- indeed, I only sat at the computer for an hour or so, writing some e-mail and reading journals. Not that I didn't write-- I'm still a proud member of the 1/24/31 Dare. I wrote just over a thousand words yesterday, and also did some sketches of settings and some general note-taking... I'm happy with my book, comfortable with the idea of writing it for a while, living with the characters.
Congrats to Mike on his novel-nibble! Wish him well!
Yesterday at work was good; a little driving-the-boss-around, a little book-shuffling. I've been given some more clearly-defined responsibilities, which begin today; stuff I'll be expected to do on a daily basis. That's kind of nice, actually; it adds a little routine and stability to a job that is, by definition, mostly unpredictable...
I wrote on my lunch break at work yesterday, actually, in longhand on my boss's deck... very satisfying, to come home in the afternoon and not have the "need-to-write" specter hanging over me...
Let's see... yesterday evening Heather and I went walking over the hill to Piedmont. We had dinner (my treat, as I got paid yesterday; whee!). And then-- to my great delight-- we sat at a coffee shop for a while. Reading Flyboy and watching the occasional episode of Sex in the City was making me desperate for some sit-and-drink-coffee time; that's all the characters do in those entertainments! (well, except fight crime in the former, and shag in the latter). So I read and had coffee and became happy happy. Then we came home and read a while, intending to watch some delectable videotaped stuff... but then we started kissing, and, well... it's not as if things between Heather and I have been less than passionate; we haven't even been dating six months, and things are still very, very hot. But last night was unusually hot, a quantum jump to a different level of hot, a hotness level that would be most difficult to sustain on a regular basis. So we had some good fun. After that we chilled on the couch. We watched a very affecting episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of the more effective explorations of grief that I've ever seen. It dealt with a lot of the same stuff I tried to in my story "Little Gods of Grief." I have some strong feelings about the way death is dealt with in fantasy, which I might get into another time (when I don't have to jaunt off to work soon), and Buffy played by all the rules.
On a completely unrelated note, I went to a big Chinese grocery store the other day... besides the signs in Chinese, and the vastly-cheaper-good-quality produce, I was struck by the weird little differences... packages of chicken feet in the poultry aisle... salmon heads in the sea-food section... a bin in the meat case labeled simply "Goat"... the giant mutant coconut... "beef ox tails"... very odd. Slightly disorienting. I guess it's a good thing I'm not an interstellar explorer; the least little difference makes me look around like a wide-eyed hayseed, seeking further anomalies...
Well, there's more to say (there's always more to say), but I've got to dress and head workward. Ta, all.
If you're so inclined, send me mail.