From Inside the Egg
October 9
Hi, guys! First off, go over to Neverworlds and read my story "Hatchling", which is up now, tra la. I even got an illustration. Hee hee hee.
(It's sort of a horror story. An Appalachian horror story. Not all guts-and-gory, but not a joyful tale, either. Just so you know. Read it anyway)
(I linked to the HTML document, but the story's also available as a pdf, and for handheld electronic thingamabobs and so on. If you want something like that, just follow the main Neverworlds link)
Neverworlds ran another of my stories, a reprint of "53rd Annual Mantis Homecoming Dance," back in August, and I never linked to it. The NW archive appears to be down now, alas; if and when it's working again, I'll link to the story.
I don't think there's too much else to say, or if there is, I'm too sleepy to say it. I'm reading Le Guin's Lathe of Heaven. Work is good. Love is good. I had a wonderful vanilla latté this afternoon. I wrote a bit while I drank said latté. Heather has done wonderful things with the house, re-arranging, and it looks much lovelier, now. Scott and Lynne are staying overnight here on Thursday, on their way to a weekend-wedding celebration. I'm going to see the Old 97's on Saturday with Heather and Teddy, a guy I met at one of the lovely Susan Marie's gatherings. I'm excited about my upcoming publications-- in Strange Horizons, in Lady Churchill's, in Son of Brainbox. It looks like it'll be a good month, publication wise. October. Why shouldn't a writer of (at least occasionally) darkish poems and fictions thrive in October?
Good night, all. I'll let the short story linked at the top of the entry be the bulk of my words to you tonight.
If you're so inclined, send me mail.