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Month: September 2011

Grim Tides Cover Artist

I’m pleased to announce that artist Lindsey Look will be creating original cover art for Grim Tides!

Lindsey is no stranger to Marla. She works in the studio with my longtime artist Daniel Dos Santos, and actually collaborated with him on the new covers for Bone Shop and Broken Mirrors, created for the audio editions.

Lindsey’s a fan of the books, and she’s excited to be working on the project. I’m confident she’ll do great artwork. Thanks to all who donated for making this possible!

There are eight days left in the fundraiser if you want to give a little to get some goodies…


I broke $10K in my Kickstarter fundraiser for Grim Tides over the weekend. (Holy crap. And thanks to Kevin Hogan for putting me over the top.) So that means I’ll commission original cover art; once I confirm that the artist I have in mind is still available and interested, I’ll announce details. Whee!

Nine days to go. Lots of prizes still to be had. Can’t wait to see what the final total turns out to be!

Over the weekend I wrote the first chapter of Grim Tides (and half of chapter three, because I wanted to write about my villains a bit), and I’m really pleased with how it’s going. Murder, wave-mage hive-mind surfer/sorcerers, a magical bookshop with kleptomaniac tendencies, a giant eel oracle, the return of Marla’s valet Pelham… and that’s just the first couple chapters. This one’s gonna be fun.