February 2002 Entries

February 28: Spiked Lucidity

February 26: Metawhatever

February 25: Doldrum

February 24: In (and Out Of) the House

February 23: Necromonkey

February 21: Runon

February 19: Good, Best, Best

February 16: The Flaming Spearhead of Cognition

St. Valentine's Day: Poetically

February 13: Slugtacular

February 11: Wondrous Beasts

February 10, again: Oh Living Being, Gracious and Benign

February 10: These People Pressing In On Us Are Many

February 7: The Melancholy Shore of Acheron

February 6: No Complaints

February 5: In These Final Days of Coherence

February 3: Nihilism

February 2: Happy To You

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