June 2001 Entries

June 29: Synchronous

June 28: Sleepy Jack the Fire Drill

June 27: Disgruntled But Fun

June 26: The Land of Oaks

June 25, again: Beauties

June 25: Looking Back

June 21: Oil and Binges

June 19: Joy and Pain and So On

June 18: A Poem is Just the Groaning and the Singing of the Heart

June 17: Weekend with Mermaids

June 15: Archetypally Fortean

June 13: Hole in the Ground

June 12: Cockroaches

June 11: Trouble to the nth degree, where n equals trouble

June 7, again: Y'all and Sundry

June 7: Midday Murmurs

June 6: Circling

June 5: All Fine Reasons to Struggle

June 4: Checking In

June 2: Eggs, Leather, Prayer, Ghosts

June 1: Spider (he's our hero)

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