What Is Tropism?

Tropism is Tim Pratt's journal. I'm Tim Pratt. If you want to know who I am in more detail, I have an out of date and badly annotated Bio to which you may refer.

But the short form of who I am is:

I work for A Certain Magazine as an editorial assistant, which means I sweep up, carry things, do layout, etc. Lately I've been doing some of the writing, and I also write book reviews for the magazine (which, if you don't know, is a trade publication for science fiction and fantasy publishing). I like my job.

That pays the bills; I also volunteer my time and effort as editor of Star*Line, the Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. I like editing very much.

I write fiction, and my stories have appeared lots of places -- go to my Bibliography page for the details on that. I mostly write "mythic" fiction, which is my case means contemporary fantasy stories (in which fantastic things happen in a world that is more-or-less recognizably our own; this isn't all I write, but mostly). I don't like the term "urban fantasy" as a description of my work, if only because most of my fiction doesn't take place in urban settings. Authors that I consider influences on my work include Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Carroll, and Charles de Lint. (Along with a million others, but they're the major ones)

I also write poetry, and am arguably a better poet than I am a fiction writer. My bibliography page will tell you about my poetry publications in more detail, too.

I've kept my online journal since April of 2000. Tropism is not a blog; I often have entries that don't link to anything. Tropism is a writing log, a letter to faraway friends, a place to vent frustration, a soapbox, and a crow's nest (in the sense that I crow about my accomplishments, such as they are, from time to time). If you're interested in my motivation for keeping the journal, I refer you to this entry, which addresses that very issue.

If you want to know more about me... read the journal.

Go to Tropism.

Go to my main page.

If you're so inclined, send me mail.